How does visibility work for indirect relationships?

Group visibility allows you to give facilitators visibility of conversations for groups of people who are not part of a reporting line. You can use attributes in your data to determine which leaders get visibility of which groups of people.

Your organisation likely has different kinds of leadership. Some leaders are involved in direct reporting lines, while others have leadership responsibilities outside the formal hierarchy. These are often called Dotted-Line, Indirect Reports or group relationships.

Joyous is all about starting conversations with people who are in a position to make positive changes, so it's important to get the right people viewing and participating in conversations where they can help.

Visibility for Agile leaders

Organizations using agile methodologies such as scrum often have a number of additional leaders who help with particular aspects of day-to-day process (e.g. Agile coaches, Scrum Masters). These leaders are usually outside the normal hierarchy of team leads and managers.

For example, each team may have a Scrum Master to coach them on using the Scrum method to keep their projects on track. Some Scrum Masters may be assigned to multiple teams.

Once you have [Team] as an attribute on your people data in Joyous, you can create visibility groups to set up who the Scrum Masters are for each team.

Visibility for Location Managers

Organisations with multiple operating locations may have leaders who are responsible for the environment and well-being of their location, but the people working there do not officially report to them. Once you have [Location] as an attribute on your people data in Joyous, you can create visibility groups to set up who the leaders are for each location.


Viewing feedback

When Group Leaders view their Live Feed, they will be able to see conversations with all the people in teams they are assigned to and join in when something they can help with comes up.

🗒️  Talk to your Joyous representative if you'd like to use this feature.