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  2. Facilitator resources
  3. Understanding the Live Feed & Inbox

How do I view new messages in the Live Feed and Inbox?

Click the 'New messages' pill to refresh the Live Feed or Inbox and view new conversations. 

As a facilitator, it's important you can keep track of which conversations you have and haven't responded to. The Live Feed and Inbox will hold their position while you are responding unless you click the 'New messages' pill.

1. Load new conversations.

In the Live Feed:

  • Click or tap on 'New messages'.
    • The conversations that you are viewing in the Live Feed will not reload until you have clicked on 'New messages'.
    • Clicking on 'New messages' will refresh the Live Feed and show you any new conversations that came through during the time you were viewing conversations.

In the Inbox:

  • Click or tap on 'New messages'.
  • The conversations that you are viewing in the Inbox will not reload until you have clicked on 'New messages'.
  • Clicking on 'New messages' will refresh the Inbox and show you any new conversations that came through during the time you were viewing conversations.