Release notes

Here you'll find our most recently released features.

🕛  Last updated 1st July, 2024

Fresh Joy

Recently released features

Release date Description
July 1st, 2024
  • Set assignees and due dates to tasks within your action plan

June 26th, 2024
  • Automatic notification of campaign results

June 13th, 2024
  • Automatically schedule audience nudges

June 5th, 2024
  • Reach more people by integrating with Google Chat

May 29th, 2024
  • Track financial / non-financial impact of campaigns under the Impact tab in Dashboard

May 15th, 2024
  • Export planning board to PPT/PDF
  • Share link to planning board
  • Ability to jump from planning board to dashboard to view results
  • Ability to move a campaign from one planning board to another via Calendar setup

May 7th, 2024
  • Prevent question fatigue by selecting an audience that was not part of a recent campaign, or distribute your audience by another attribute value

April 24th, 2024
  • Create and manage separate planning boards
  • Filter Calendar + Dashboard by planning board

April 19th, 2024
  • Cleaner calendar and login pages with improved readability

April 17th, 2024
  •  AI-powered guidance for action items based on campaign themes

April 10th, 2024
  • New planning board view to help high level campaign planning across the year

    Board Dropdown
April 8th, 2024
  • Cleaner conversations for facilitators and team members with improved readability

    Masonry View

    Team Member
March 14th, 2024
  • New inbox view to help facilitators work through conversations in a more straightforward way

March 11th, 2024
  • Cleaner dashboard with improved readability, slightly more compact to fit on screens better

February 28th, 2024
  • AI suggested responses now generate suggestions in the original language of the question
February 23rd, 2024
  • When viewing a conversation, it indicates when another facilitator is viewing

February 19th, 2024
  • Select one and select many options can now be added and deleted within conversation designer

February 19th, 2024
  • Campaigns have default impact and topic values (not defined) on creation

February 6th, 2024
  • Admin users can manage:
    • Campaign copy
    • Settings (campaign context, audience, facilitators)
    • Proposed/confirmed status
February 1st, 2024
  • Facilitators can bulk respond to conversations that contain no audience member comments

January 23rd, 2024
  • Top menu is replaced by a navigation rail on the left side of the screen
    • Profile menu is at the bottom of the rail
    • Notification bell is moved to the filter area
January 12th, 2024
  • Assign people to action items

  • Export action plans as spreadsheets
December 28th, 2023
  • Facilitators can use quick filters to narrow their conversation search

December 20th, 2023
  • Facilitators can use suggested responses to save time when responding

December 18th, 2023
  • Print and export your action plan

December 11th, 2023
  • Track action items from campaigns under the Action tab in Dashboard

November 27th, 2023
  • Faster navigation between conversations in the Live Feed

November 20th, 2023
  • Download campaign conversations from Calendar to PDF and PPT
  • Share link to campaign conversations

October 31st, 2023
  • Download report files as PowerPoint

October 30, 2023
  • Themes tab added to the Dashboard

October 11th, 2023
  • Apply attribute filter to Dashboard from attribute chart

October 4th, 2023
  • Easily apply conversation filters in the Live Feed

  • Sentiment filters can be applied in the Dashboard

September 5th, 2023
  • Weekly summaries are sent to campaign facilitators, replacing daily notifications
September 1st, 2023
  • More detailed participation information made available in the dashboard gives users a complete view of the campaign in one place
August 24th, 2023
  • Dashboard displays “New participants” for conversations from week 2 and onward.
  • Dashboard displays actionable phrase counts in the line chart

August 16th, 2023
  • Send an additional nudge to participants after an initial nudge is scheduled or sent
August 14th, 2023
  • View overall participation for a campaign on the dashboard, as well as participation over time at a conversation level

August 1st, 2023
  • Facilitators are given more context of the campaigns they are being added to and when it will launch

July 27th, 2023
  • Dashboard has improved readability

July 17th, 2023
  • Similar themes are grouped and displayed in the dashboard
  • View and filter to associated actionable phrases for each theme
  • View associated conversations for each theme
  • Rename themes and sub-themes

July 3rd, 2023
  • Replace featured comments in the Dashboard if you think there is one that better illustrates the theme

June 20th, 2023
  • Send your audience a nudge email to increase participation

June 14th, 2023
  • Facilitators receive a launch reminder email on the day a campaign launches

June 2nd, 2023
  • Rename themes if the terms used are not quite right for your organization

May 29th, 2023
  • Actionable phrases are displayed in real-time

May 4th, 2023
  • Facilitators can see an indicator in the conversation modal if another user is currently typing a reply to that conversation

April 12th, 2023
  • Click a theme on the Top Actionable Themes chart to jump to the Live Feed, filtering by the theme and the campaign to view conversations associated with that theme

April 11th, 2023
  • Common phrases act as prompts to enable quick replies for facilitators

April 5th, 2023
  • The Campaign Dashboard allows you to download reports directly from the tool

April 3rd, 2023
  • Reach more people by integrating with Slack

March 28th, 2023
  • The Campaign Dashboard adds featured quotes from the key themes for each conversation in the campaign

    Featured Quotes
March 17th, 2023
  • The Campaign Dashboard adds rating summary and breakdown by any attribute for each question in the campaign

March 17th, 2023
  • Campaign Dashboard second beta release adds high level information when you select a campaign from the timeline, including top actionable themes and rating summary breakdown by any attribute

March 10th, 2023
  • Reach more people by integrating with Workplace from Meta

January 17th, 2023
  • Joyous gets a little more Joyous-er

December 19th, 2022
  • Close campaigns for new responses
December 2nd, 2022
  • Reach more people by integrating with Microsoft Teams

November 10th, 2022
  • Actionable phrases are highlighted within conversations

  • Filter the live feed to see Actionable Conversations only

August 11th, 2022
  • Joyous supports the Mana Ora framework

August 8th, 2022
  • Facilitators can track important conversations by marking them with a star

  • Filter the feed to show conversations that have been marked with a star

July 25th, 2022
  • View the date and time details of the last comment in a conversation

May 12th, 2022
  • 2 new conversation filters. Making it easier for you to see:
    • Conversations I've Joined: Conversations that you have commented on
    • Conversations With No Comments: Conversations that have no comment from a team member
April 27th, 2022
  • New conversation filter. Making it easier for you to see:
    • Conversations Awaiting Response: Conversations that have a comment from a team member but no response
March 4th, 2022
  • Send different questions to subsets of your campaign audience
March 2nd, 2022
  • Insights includes a new Average scores over time chart
    • This line chart shows changes in scores over time by category
    • Click or tap a line in the chart to display results for that category
    • Filter by a question to display scores over time for only that question
January 20th, 2022
  • Team members can self-select reporting attributes such as Tribe, Squad, Ethnicity, Gender etc

January 13th, 2022
  • Bug fix: Rounding error in eNPS calculation
January 6th, 2022
  • Bug fix: Joydog bubbles were highlighted when a selection or rating was edited
December 23rd, 2021
  • Questions cards in Insights include open questions and multiple choice questions

December 23rd, 2021
  • Conversation starter filters were not sorted from most recent to oldest question round
December 23rd, 2021
  • Notification count on team-member-ui header would show -1 when there were no notifications
November 30th, 2021
  • Bug fix: App bar was partially hidden when question filter was clicked from Insights
November 25th, 2021
  • Bug fix: On Insights, percentage values in sentiment bars were rounded incorrectly
November 22nd, 2021
  • SMS delivery is improved in the following ways:
    • We use dedicated short codes for NZ customers.
    • We use dedicated dedicated alphanumeric codes for AU customers.
  • This will reduce the number of SMS messages being flagged as spam by the mobile phone carriers
November 6th, 2021

⚠️ Joyous underwent a scheduled maintenance update

  • Note that people may be required to log back into Joyous after this maintenance update is completed
October 27th, 2021
  • Ability to disable commenting in conversations based on permissions
October 26th, 2021
  • Bug fix: Questions card data was calculated based off how many people viewed each question in a conversation instead of how many people received the conversation starter
October 22nd, 2021
  • Bug fix: Insights and Heatmaps showed all question rounds with no question or conversation starter filters applied
October 20th, 2021
  • Insights include a new Questions card below the category cards. Each row shows results for each rating scale question

October 19th, 2021
  • We've improved our error messages, to provide more clarity and support to our users:
    • When filtering and there are no results to display on the live feed
    • When we encounter an unexpected error
    • When someone's token has expired for the team member view
October 13th, 2021
  • New Conversation Starter filter. Filter by conversation using the leading question of the conversation

21st September, 2021

  • New Message Pill worked incorrectly when new changes were added to conversations not visible in the Live Feed

20th September, 2021

  • My Direct Reporting Line. A new filter to view your entire direct reporting line. Great for leaders, such as Tribe Leads or Administrators who have broad visibility

20th September, 2021
  • Bug fix: eNPS values in Heatmaps and Insights were not integers
14th September, 2021
  • Bug fix: Question sent time was different in the live feed, heatmaps and insights
13th September, 2021
  • Participation information has it's own menu item on the app bar, making it easier to find. There are many other improvements to this page:
    • The Team member commented measure is back!
    • Total chats percentage is calculated by dividing the value by the Team member commented value. So the Total Chats values and percentage now match the old Leader Response Rate measure
    • Total chats values have a background colour based on the levels shown in the sidebar. The rest of the values will no longer have a background colour
    • Filter Participation using questions asked more than once by round
Group 70-png
13th September, 2021
  • The team member's messages are light blue. Makes it easier to distinguish between the team member and leader responses

    Feed Navigation Drawer (1)
13th September, 2021
  • Filter by question round. Makes it easy to see responses for a particular round of a question. You can choose which round to see from the options below the question filter

    Direction (1)-png
8th September, 2021
  • The input bar now includes a progress bar and a skip button. Making it it more obvious and easier to navigate through longer conversations

    Screen Shot 2021-09-11 at 12.38.04 PM
8th September, 2021
  • Bug fix: Date displayed on feed card headers was not the conversation send date
7th September, 2021
  • UI improvements to team member view
7th September, 2021
  • Messages from people responding to conversations now show the full name of the author, and the send time

    Screen Shot 2021-09-11 at 12.37.40 PM
25th August, 2021
20th August, 2021
  • Bug fix: Some users were experiencing an error in both the live feed or the team member view which has been fixed
19th August, 2021
  • Some users reported missing having the topic and date on the live feed conversation card headers - these have now been reinstated

19th August, 2021
  • Bug fix: Some users experienced a flickering issue on the live feed which has been fixed
14th August, 2021