Which filters can I use in the Live Feed and Inbox?

Narrow your search to see the conversations that are relevant to you using Quick, Campaign, Conversation, Attribute, Person, Question, and Theme filters.

To learn about how to use the filters read How to apply Joyous filters.


Quick filters

These filters enable you to find new responses quickly and distinguish between your own and other facilitators' conversations. These types of filters are only available within the Live Feed and Inbox.

All conversations
The All conversations filter lets you see every conversation in the order of the most recent activity. 
My conversations
I responded
The My conversations filter lets you see all conversations where you have commented/replied one or more times. 
New feedback
Includes a comment
The New feedback filter lets you see conversations with one or more audience comments but no facilitator comments.
New partial answers
No comment
The New partial answers filter lets you see conversations that have no audience or facilitator comments.
My new replies
Replies to my responses
The My new replies filter lets you see conversations where you have commented, but there is an audience member comment more recent than your most recent comment.
All new replies
Replies to all facilitators
The  All new replies filter lets you see conversations with both audience and facilitator comments, where the most recent comment is an audience comment. 


Campaign filters

Campaign filters enable you to review and respond to feedback that has come from a specific campaign. Campaign filters can be applied to the Live Feed, Inbox, Dashboard, and Participation pages.

The Campaign filter lets you see conversations from a specific campaign. Campaign filters can be applied to all pages.


Conversation filters

Conversation filters are the ultimate tool for managing your conversations. The filter allows to to view and respond to new and existing conversations. These types of filters can only be applied within the Live Feed and Inbox.

The Actionable Conversations filter lets you see conversations that contain one or more actionable phrases.
The Starred Conversations filter lets you see conversations that you or other facilitators have starred .


Attribute filters

Attribute filters enable you to review and respond to feedback from specific groups of people. Any attribute you pass to us in your people data can be used as a filter. Attribute filters can be applied to the Live Feed, Inbox, Dashboard, and Participation pages. Below are some common attribute filters.

A Region filter lets you see conversations from audience members located in a specific region (e.g. North, Auckland, Nashville).
A Division filter lets you see conversations from audience members working in a specific division (e.g. Engineering, Operations).
A Market filter lets you see conversations from audience members working in a specific market (e.g. Consumer, Industrial).
A Gender filter lets you see conversations from audience members with a specific gender identity (e.g.Female, Male, Non-binary).
A Tenure filter lets you see conversations from audience members with specific tenure (e.g. 0-3 months, 6-10 years).


Person filters

People filters enable you to review and respond to feedback from individuals, teams and reporting lines. These types of filters can be applied within the Live Feed, Inbox, and Dashboard.

The Audience member filter lets you see conversations from a specific person.
The Team filter lets you see conversations from people working in a specific team.
The My Direct Reports filter lets you see conversations from your direct reports.
The My Direct Reporting filter lets you see conversations from individuals in your direct reporting line.


Question filters

Question filters enable you to review and respond to feedback that contains a particular question, sentiment, or category.

The Question filter lets you see conversations that contain a specific question. Question filters can be applied to Live Feed, Inbox, Dashboard, and Participation pages.
The Sentiment filter lets you see conversations that contain a specific rating score. 
  • If you want to see conversations that contain scores of 9 or 10 apply the Positive filter.
  • If you want to see conversations that contain scores of 7 or 8 apply the Neutral filter.
  • If you want to see conversations that contain scores of 0 - 6 apply the Negative filter.
Sentiment filters can be applied to the Live Feed, Inbox, and Dashboard pages.
The Category filter lets you see conversations that contain questions from a specific category or impact area. Category filters can be applied to Live Feed, Inbox, Dashboard, and Participation pages.


Theme filters

Theme filters enable you to review and respond to feedback that within a specific theme or sub-theme. You can find themes and sub-themes in the Themes tab on the Dashboard.

The Theme filter lets you see conversations from a specific theme. Theme filters can be applied to Live Feed, Inbox, and Dashboard.
The Sub-theme filter lets you see conversations from a specific sub-theme. Sub-theme filters can be applied to Live Feed, Inbox, and Dashboard